
Tuesday, 27 October 2015

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

This isn't your normal pick up and get into a good story and not one I'd normally reach for but when a friend at work said it was amazing and really helped her become more positive I decided I ought to give it a read.

The book and the film were both released in 2006 after Rhonda Byrne discovered a great secret after a series of traumatic events. She includes teachers and some of the world leaders of business, economics, medicine, psychology, history, theology and science. She also writes about real life stories of people who have changed their lives by using the secret. Examples are eradicating disease, gaining a large fortune, overcoming obstacles and achieving the impossible. This book shows you how to use the secret in every area of life, from health to wealth, success and relationships.

If you like an easy read I wouldn't recommend reading this. Although it's not a long book some parts really do make you think. I felt I had to read quite far in to actually understand some bits but thats probably just me. I agree with some parts but don't with others but it's all down to individual interpretation and experience. There are many reviews as to whether it actually works and it didn't for me but I don't think it matters. It definitely helps you to focus on what you want and to think more positively so for me this is a successful read 

Amy x

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